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Smart Accounts

The Web3Modal SDK now supports Smart Accounts, offering users enhanced security and convenience with features like multi-signature authorization and automated transaction workflows. This update ensures a seamless and efficient experience for managing digital assets within decentralized applications.

Coinbase Smart Wallet

The Coinbase connector now includes a new flag to customize the Smart Wallet behavior.


To enable the Coinbase Smart Wallet feature, ensure that Web3Modal is updated to version 4.2.3 or higher. Additionally, if you are using Wagmi, verify that it is on the latest version.

The preference (or coinbasePreference) flag accepts one of the following string values:

  • eoaOnly: Uses EOA Browser Extension or Mobile Coinbase Wallet.
  • smartWalletOnly: Displays Smart Wallet popup.
  • all (default): Supports both eoaOnly and smartWalletOnly based on context.

Web3Modal can be configured in two different ways: Default or Custom

Select your preferred configuration mode below:

export const config = defaultWagmiConfig({
coinbasePreference: 'smartWalletOnly'